The Women’s Representatives and the Staff Council Representatives (“Personalrat”) can be contacted confidentially in cases of sexualised discrimination and violence, mobbing and stalking. In addition, the federal state of Berlin supports a wide range of helplines and centres.
- BiG (Berlin initiative against violence towards women) - Hotline for women and children in cases of domestic violence [website available in German and English]
- Feminist Women's Health Center Berlin (Feministisches Frauen Gesundheits Zentrum Berlin e.V.) - Counselling on health effects caused by sexual abuse
- “Frauenraum Berlin” - Specialist Counseling and Domestic Violence Intervention Center [website available in German, English, Spanish, French and Russian]
- Hotline for Women in Crisis (“FrauenKrisenTelefon e.V.”) - particular services for female migrants [website German and English, hotline multilingual]
- “Opferhilfe e.V.” - offers advice and support to the victims and witnesses of crime and their families in the city of Berlin [website in German, English and Turkish]
- Lara e.V. - offers unbureaucratic assistance for women, girls and transgender people over the age of 14, who have been raped, sexually abused and/or sexually harassed [website available in German, English, Turkish, Polish, French, Spanish, Russian, Bulgarian, Farsi and Arabic]
- LesMigraS Antidiscrimination and Antiviolence work area of the Lesbenberatung Berlin e.V. [website available in German, English, Turkish, Polish, Russian, French, Italian, Spanish,Farsi and Arabic]
- “Mädchennotdienst” Help and counselling for girls and young women from 12 to 21
- Tara - counselling and intervention center for women who experience domestic violence. Intercultural conselling [website available in German, English, Turkish]
- TIO e.V. - Counselling for women from all over the world [website available in German and English]
- Weißer Ring e.V - Help for victims of crime
- Wildwasser Berlin e.V. - Working group fighting against the sexual abuse of girls