Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Family Support Office

Childcare, School and Free Time

Photo: Familienbüro


In the following sections, you will find an overview of the most common types of childcare for children aged 0 to 6 in Berlin, as well as information on searching for a childcare centre and applying for a childcare voucher. We also give you an introduction to Berlin’s school system and ideas for what to do with your family during holidays and in your free time. 


Important notice:
The current shortage of spots at childcare centres in Berlin is one of the biggest challenges faced by parents. The Family Support Office is also affected by it, which is why we are unable to place your child at a childcare centre.

The HU has two childcare centres called “Die Lupe” and “die humbolde”. studierendenWERK Berlin allocates the spots of Die Lupe, while RefRat allocates the spots of die humbolde. Aside from that, please check the (unfortunately incomplete) list of available childcare spots published by the Berlin Senate Administration. The DaKS (Dachverband Berliner Kinder- und Schülerläden e. V.) organisation also regularly updates a list of available childcare spots


  Childcare in Berlin
  Childcare at Humboldt-Universität
  The Berlin School System
  Holiday and Recreational Acitivities